Listed Buildings in Little Eaton
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1. Parish Room, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
2. Church of St Paul, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
3. Outbuilding to South West of Number 18, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
4. Queens Head Inn and Attached Coach House, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
5. Church Farmhouse, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
6. The Brick Barn the Stone Barn, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
7. Lychgate at Church of St Paul, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
8. The Poplars, Little Eaton. Grade (Grade II)
9. The Elms Farmhouse, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
10. Barn with Byres and Hay Lofts South East of the Elms, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
11. Barn with Byres to South West of the Elms, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
12. Former Malthouse to South of the Elms, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
13. Clock House, Little Eaton. (Grade II)
14. The Hatherings, (Grade II) Not on map. Last house on right top of Vicarage Lane.
15. Derwent House, Little Eaton. (Grade II) Not on map. Eaton Bank on left next to